The number of respondents continues to increase nearly everyyear. Thisreport is distributed only to those who participate in the survey.The 2017 survey asked for information about the respondents’ experiences in the2016 calendar year. None of the companies that respond are identified inthis report, and no one outside of Wohlers Associates sees any of the responses.

When comments from thesurveys are used, they are published anonymously.In exchange for their support, each of the participants receives this report, whichsummarizes the responses. Company data is not made available in thereport or in any other Wohlers Associates’ publications. Only composite(summary) information is published. Participation is voluntary, and participants are not required toanswer any questions that they do not feel comfortable answering. Theservice provider (SP) questionnaire is relatively short and does not require a largecommitment of time. The results ofthe questionnaire are used in the preparation of the annual Wohlers Report.

Wohlers Report 2017 - Service Provider Survey ResultsJuly 2017IntroductionWohlers Associates sends a questionnaire to service providers each year to helpidentify trends in the additive manufacturing (AM) service industry. 26COPYRIGHT 20172Wohlers Associates, Inc. Wohlers Report 2017 - Service Provider Survey ResultsJuly 2017Table of ContentsIntroduction. Wohlers Report 2017Service ProviderSurvey ResultsJuly 2017Copyright 2017 by Wohlers Associates, Inc.All rights reserved.